A ceramic plate containing Mirin Salmon along with steamed rice, roasted cauliflower, and sauteed greens.

Mirin Salmon 鮭のみりん漬け

My tender Mirin Salmon recipe is a keeper for your weeknight dinner. Just marinate...
A white plate containing Japanese Pasta with Shrimp and Broccolini.

Japanese-style Shrimp and Broccolini Pasta 海老とブロッコリーニの和風パスタ

Seasoned with crunchy garlic chili oil and butter, this delicious Japanese-style Pasta with Shrimp...
A donburi rice bowl containing gyudon, simmered beef and onions over steamed rice.

Gyudon (Japanese Beef Rice Bowl) (Video) 牛丼

Thinly sliced beef simmered with tender onions and savory-sweet sauce, Gyudon or Japanese Beef...
A rice bowl containing Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) served with pickles on the side.

Hijiki Rice (Takikomi Gohan) ひじき炊き込みご飯

Hijiki Rice is a Japanese mixed rice (takikomi gohan) with dashi, carrots, fried tofu,...
A white oval plate containing two Hanami Dango, served with matcha green tea.

Hanami Dango 三色花見団子

Hanami Dango is enjoyed during cherry blossom viewing in Japan. Three-color rice balls (sanshoku...
Mason jars containing Goma Dare (Japanese Sesame Sauce).

How to Make Sesame Sauce (Goma Dare) 胡麻だれ

Enjoy this simple Japanese Sesame Sauce (Goma Dare) recipe for shabu shabu hot pot,...
A bowl containing mapo tofu over steamed rice.

Mapo Tofu (Mabo Dofu) (Video) 麻婆豆腐

Japanese-style Mapo Tofu (Mabo Dofu) is incredibly flavorful but a lot less spicy than...
A white plate containing two skewers of Tsukune (Japanese chicken meatball) accompanied by shichimi togarashi, Japanese seven spices.

Tsukune (Japanese Chicken Meatball Skewers)(Video) つくね

Tsukune are delicious Japanese chicken meatball skewers glazed in sweet yakitori sauce. It‘s easy...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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